Anshul Remedies

Our Classical Product

Parpati Manufacturer in UP, Parpati Supplier in Kasganj

Parpati (Prepared in Natural Form)

Parpati Manufacturer in UP, Parpati Supplier in Kasganj

Parpati is an Ayurvedic Medicine the form which is obtained in flakes, gets disintegrated in the body at the level of Grahani. Hence it is specifically being used in Grahani related disorders and is effective in correcting appetite & we also manufacturing Various Kind Of Medicines Bol Parpati, Ras Parpati, Swet Parpati, Tamra Parpati,Vijay parpati etc.

Anshul Remedies Pvt. Ltd. is Parpati Manufacturer in UP and Parpati Exporter in UP, India. Counted among the top Parpati Supplier in Kasganj, Parpati Wholesaler in UP. we are constantly upgrading our resources to provide maximum customer satisfaction to our clients. We Give you Best Parpati Price in Kasganj.

Method :

Ayurvedic medicine called parpati is generally used to cure acidity painful urination. 
The following also makes links to  Parpati’s secondary and off-label applications. 
Potassium nitrate, phitkari, and ammonium chloride are the main components of Anshul Remedies Parpati. 
Its characteristics are listed below. 
The patient’s age, gender, and medical history we are Known as best Parpati  manufacturer in Kasganj all play role in determining the proper dosage ofAnshul Remedies  Parpati. 
The dose section includes detailed explanation of this information.
Name of Medicine Reference Indications
Bol Parpati ( बोल पर्पटी )
R.T.S ( रसतंत्रसार )
Loh Parpati ( लौह पर्पटी )
R.T.S ( रसतंत्रसार )
Panchamarit Parpati ( पंचामृत पर्पटी )
R.T.S ( रसतंत्रसार )
Ras Parpati ( रस पर्पटी )
R.T.S ( रसतंत्रसार )
Swet Parpati ( श्वेत पर्पटी )
R.T.S ( रसतंत्रसार )
मूत्रकच्छ पथरी
Abhrak Parpati ( अभ्रक पर्पटी )
R.T.S ( रसतंत्रसार )
कंठमाला ग्रन्थि
Tamra Parpati ( ताम्र पर्पटी )
R.T.S ( रसतंत्रसार )
वातव्याधि, वातरक्त
Pranda Parpati ( प्राणदा पर्पटी )
R.T.S ( रसतंत्रसार )
अस्थि रोग
Vijay Parpati ( विजय पर्पटी )
R.T.S ( रसतंत्रसार )
वीर्य वर्धक
Sheetal Parpati( शीतल पर्पटी )
R.T.S ( रसतंत्रसार )
संगृहणी ज्वर